8/26 • NewsMaine

Local neighborhood watch hosts Family Fun Day

From WABI 5

BREWER, Maine. (WABI) – “See something say something”

That’s the motto of a local neighborhood watch group.

In an effort to raise funds to purchase neighborhood watch signs, the Brewer Neighborhood Watch Group hosted a Family Fun Day.

Several activities such as wiffle ball and kickball were on hand.

We’re told this day is meant to be fun however, the group was created to keep the community safe.

“With the increase of opioids and theft and stuff like that in the area we decided to look together as a community and keep an eye on each other. We have a lot of kids in the area, we want to keep them safe. We don’t wanna be afraid to let our kids go out and play or enjoy the parks that we have in Brewer.”

For more information you can visit their Facebook group called Neighborhood Watch Brewer, Maine.

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