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Airbnb Is Found by Court to Be Legally Responsible for Victim of Shooting at an Airbnb Party

On August 22, 2024, a San Francisco Superior Court judge (Hon. Charles F. Haines) overruled Airbnb’s demurrer to dismiss a case brought by the parents of an 18-year-old boy Elias Elhania for his death after he was shot at a party at a home rented on Airbnb on August 7, 2021. The case name is Elhania v. Airbnb, Inc., with case number CGC-23-605312. This ruling allows the case to go forward in court against Airbnb and the property owner.

On August 7, 2021, roughly 150-200 people flocked to a house at 1447 Navarro Dr., Sunnyvale, CA for a wild party, which was advertised on social media. There was a cover charge for some guests, alcohol was being served, and most people who attended were under the age of 21. Neighbors called the police making a noise complaint and stated that they were afraid for their safety. The police arrived at the house, but was unable to enter the house, because the owner was nowhere to be found to give consent. Approximately an hour and a half later, the police heard gunshots from the house, which gave them probable cause to enter. But by then, it was too late, 18-year-old Elias had died.

Read the full story from Accesswire here

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