3/10 • FloridaJacksonville

Police notice pattern of guns, drugs, gang members at Jacksonville-area vacation rentals

By: Vic Micolucci | Published on March 10, 2023

JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla. – Police say they’re noticing a pattern of guns, drugs and gang members at Jacksonville-area vacation rentals.

Most recently, there was a takedown in Jacksonville Beach. Police say it is part of a plan to cut down on violent crime.

Photos show police and partygoers in the streets, several people in handcuffs and a large party at a home rented out as an Airbnb. It startled neighbors.

“More cars up and down both sides of the street. They would congregate in the yard and be really loud with their radios booming, coming and going and just really loud,” said a resident of the Jacksonville Beach neighborhood who wished to remain unnamed.

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