2/6 • New Mexico

Mayor Keller asks city council to limit short-term rentals in Albuquerque

By: Spencer Schacht KOB | Published on Feb 6, 2023

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Mayor Tim Keller is asking city councilors to ease the housing shortage by going after short-term rentals.

The main point is to limit stand-alone short-term rentals in Albuquerque with the goal of creating more permanent housing options, but this proposed ordinance has really sparked a debate online.

This new ordinance would have three major changes to the city’s short term rental code:

  • It would cap the number of short-term rental permits in the city at 1,200
  • It would also limit the number of rental properties one person can have to three
  • It would increase the penalties for those who break this ordinance

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