4/23 • NewsFloridaOrlando

Commentary: Give more parents the schools they want

In an opinion piece in the April 13 Orlando Sentinel, Pat Drago of the Florida League of Women Voters attacks the Constitution Revision Commission proposal that would allow the Legislature to establish new forms of charter school oversight.

Drago writes the measure would politicize the system and allow charters to “pop up anywhere, whether they’re needed or not.”

As the parents of two sons (7 and 4), my wife and I know the reality to be considerably different from Drago’s portrait of makeshift, profiteering charters. Most parents only turn to charters when district schools fall short — and there simply are not enough charters to meet parents’ demand, something a statewide board could alleviate.

The proposed amendment is aimed at helping Florida families by improving education offerings. Our family’s experience illustrates this.

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