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Broward School Board May Ask Voters For Security Upgrade Funding

The Broward School Board is scheduled to vote Tuesday on whether to ask voters to pay more for school security and teacher pay.

The district wants an additional 50 cents for every one thousand dollars in assessed property value, according to the Sun-Sentinel. For a homeowner with a $225,000 home and a homestead exemption, that would be about $100 a year. It would raise $93 million a year for the district.

If approved at Tuesday’s vote, the request would be placed on the August 28th ballot.

The School Board said the money would be used to make security upgrades at schools which have been a high profile concern since the February 14th mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland. Some of the money would be used for one-time teacher bonuses.

Most School Board members have voiced support for the new money, saying state funding hasn’t kept pace with the district’s needs, according to the Sun-Sentinel.


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