8/31 • NewsMichigan

Mini grant from city of Holland helps neighborhood clean up alley

By Sydney Smith

HOLLAND — A neighborhood “eyesore” has become a more people-friendly spot, thanks to collaboration from neighbors.

“We wanted to have a really nice alley that we as neighbors could (enjoy) more, and make it more appealing, rather than an eyesore,” said Holland resident Lori Appeldoorn.

Using a mini grant from the city of Holland, a group of neighbors has revamped their alley between 18th and 19th streets and River and Central avenues. The grant program is meant to encourage neighborhood groups to undertake community-improvement projects.

Partnering with nonprofit 3-Sixty, Appeldoorn and her neighbors had $1,500 to use for their project.

Neighbors’ driveways are connected to the alley, so they wanted to see who was driving back and forth, Appeldoorn said. In past years, graffiti was also done in the alley.

To address these issues, old fences were torn town, weeds were pulled and a neighbor’s garage was painted. The group is also in the process of making raised beds which will grow herbs, flowers and vegetables for the neighborhood, Appeldoorn said.

3-Sixty, the nonprofit partner based in downtown Holland, has provided many of the tools for the project, and volunteers from the group have helped neighbors.

Appeldoorn said local businesses have also pitched in, giving the residents deals on things like paint and gravel.

The neighbors have also enjoyed just getting to know each other.

“Being able to see everybody is just really nice,” Appeldoorn said.

The mini grant program has existed for about four years, said Sue Harder, community development coordinator for the city of Holland. It averages about four requests per year. In the overall city budget, it’s a very small item, totaling $8,000. The maximum one project can receive is $1,500.

The program is used for projects which “improve the long-term quality of life” of residents of the city, build “long-term neighborhood capacity, opportunity and leadership” and generate collaboration among residents. It does not fund things like neighborhood block parties, according to the city’s website.

In the past, residents have completed small projects that have made a difference in their neighborhoods, like planting gardens, establishing a bicycle repair station, installing bike racks and more.

Once residents used a grant to paint the fence of an elderly neighbor.

“Personally I am often inspired by the creativity of neighbors when they get together and decide to do a project,” Harder said. “It’s the neighbors getting together as the leaders and figuring out what they want to do to address an opportunity.”

The projects also benefit the city, so it’s a win-win, Harder said.

Applications for the mini grant program can be found at cityofholland.com. They can be send to Harder at [email protected].

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