1/29 • Blog


By Katie Hale

I don’t think it is any question that moms are busier than most. We are busy taking care of the kids, the house, the bills, the list goes on and on. But really, how often do we take care of ourselves? Most of us mothers can say not very often, and that is why these 10 Health Questions Moms Need to Ask are so important. We keep paperwork and schedules and shot charts for our kids, but when was your last checkup? Do you keep paperwork of your health appts, etc? This is a shame and this is a change that needs to be made ASAP.


1. How much sleep should I be getting? Most moms wake up earlier than the rest of the family and go to sleep after everyone else. Sometimes these moments of quiet are the only times that we have available to get stuff done. It is important to know how much you should be sleeping for maximum health benefits though.

2. Do I really need this medication? Whether it is antibiotics for a cold or pills you take for a headache, you should always ask yourself (and your doctor) whether the medicine you are taking is necessary.

3. How much exercise should I strive for? Yes, most people should strive to exercise at least 30 minutes per day, but not everyone has the same requirements so this is definitely a question for your doctor.  If you aren’t sure where to begin, we have some great beginner’s cycling tips.  Alternately, you can pick up some fun Exercise DVD’s.

4. Do I have any food allergies? Not all allergies are extreme and show up easily, some can cause other issues that don’t resemble allergies at all. Sometimes it’s headaches, sometimes it can be GI issues, sometimes there are other symptoms. You should get checked out for any food allergies or intolerances.

5. Do I have a history of cancer in my family? This question should be addressed toward your mother and/or father but is important to know. Your family history of cancer is important in your own preventative measures.  In fact, this could be one of the most important health questions moms need to ask.

6. When did my Mom go into menopause? Ask your mother when she went into menopause and also .ask about her experience with it Knowing this information can help you better prepare for your menopausal journey.

7. Is there a history of mental illness in my family? Some mental illness symptoms don’t show up until later in life. It is best to be fully apprised of any mental issues that your family has dealt with so that you know what to expect.

8. What vitamins should I be taking? As we get older, different vitamins are better suited to keep our immunities boosted, our bones strong, etc.  There are so many amazing supplements out there, but we really like the Garden of Life Multivitamin for Women.

9. What is a good reliable internet health source? You’ve heard it before, but you simply cannot believe everything that you read on the internet. That being said, there are some great resources available, but first, you need to find out which of these sites are the best. Your doctor should be able to give you some good tips.

10. Do I have a living will? A living will is a directive that specifies what happens if you were to be on life support. This is extremely important so that your family will know how you would want to proceed in this situation.

Are you asking yourself the right questions?  You should be making sure you know the answers to the health questions moms need to ask so you are sure to be safe and healthy for years to come.

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