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Anonymous tip app for kids OK2SAY launches in 2 Michigan schools

From Fox 2 News

A new program to increase school safety by making it easier for kids to report problems was rolled out in two more Michigan schools.

Schuette talked to kids Monday at Wilkinson Middle School in Madison Heights about speaking up using the anonymous tip app OK2SAY. The program is so successful they’ve gotten 13,000 anonymous tips.

“If you can save one life, then we’ve make a big difference,” he said.

The program launched in 2013. Schuette says there is now more of a push than ever to make young people know it’s out there.

“OK2SAY is confidential, so you don’t have to worryabout being a snitch or rat, which is nonsense anyway, but it’s about stepping up,” he said.

Schuette was joined Monday by special guest Pam Bondi, the attorney general of Florida. She spoke to students about the aftermath of the Parkland, Florida shooting where 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz shot 17 students and teachers in February.

“I’ve really never experienced anything like that because there were so many children involved,” Bondi said.

They didn’t have anything like OK2SAY — something Bondi said could have changes what happened in Parkland.

“Possibly it could have prevented it because there were so many warning signs with this kid,” she said.

Schuette is encouraging parents to make sure their kids have the app on their smart phones. To learn more about it, click here.

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