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Students tackle issue of gun violence in Jacksonville

By Corley Peel

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – A panel of students got the chance Tuesday night to voice their thoughts on what needs to be done to address gun violence in Jacksonville.

Winston Peele, the vice president of The Young Leaders of Today, was part of the panel at the Legend Center. He says he hears gunshots on a regular basis in his neighborhood.

“What I’m hearing, I really want peace,” Peele said. “All this shooting does not have to happen.”

Students also spoke about school safety and shared their concerns with the thought of arming teachers.

“Why would we give a gun to a teacher whose job is to educate, not to protect the students,” said Rodney Wells, president of The Young Leaders of Today.

Another topic — metal detectors in schools. Some feel they take away from the learning environment.

“Be aware, because you are now being targeted,” Wells said. “That should never be the environment for school.”

Some students believe having mentors and organizing group programs can help find solutions to stop gun violence.

“Moving forward, I feel that we can hear from what the panelists are giving us today, we can take it to City Hall and see if we can have a program for these certain things,” Peele said.

City Councilman Samuel Newby says the students opened his eyes about certain issues regarding gun violence.

“I know one of the young ladies said when she walks into a room, she looks for an exit to get away,” Newby said. “We’ve got to make sure our younger citizens feel safe.”

Students who attended the event hope it’ll lead to more panel discussions and meetings with local leaders to find solutions to gun violence.

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