12/11 • NewsPensacola

Pensacola Mayor wants to create plan to cut down on panhandling

By: Bryant Clerkley

PENSACOLA, Fla. (WKRG) — Mayor Grover Robinson wants to create a plan that cuts down on the number of panhandlers in downtown Pensacola.

Robinson says this will be one of his biggest priorities.

“It’s unfortunate that event happened in Baltimore last week,” Robinson said. “It speaks to the whole challenge that cities will have with panhandling.”

Robinson is talking about a woman who was stabbed to death after trying to help a panhandler in Baltimore. Robinson says he does not want the same thing to happen in Pensacola.

“I don’t think in giving money to individuals on the streets we are necessarily helping them,” Robinson said. “What we should be doing is helping them with a full recovery and asking people for another way to give.”

In downtown Pensacola, Ben Thelander has been panhandling for years. He says his wife died and he fell on hard times.

“I can speak for myself and several others, we don’t bother anyone,” Thelander said. “We don’t go up and say ‘look can you spare some change, do you have a dollar or two’.”

Robinson says he does not know the solution just yet, but a lot of Pensacola residents say something needs to be done.

“I’d love to see panhandling go away all together but I also would love to know that those that are truly homeless and truly need it are able to find that assistance in the correct places but not on our street corners,” Jonathan Green said.

Pensacola Police say they have only had to arrest a few panhandlers. Most of the time they are peaceful.

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