11/13 • NewsVirginia

Roanoke neighborhood to receive historic designation

By Christian Heilman

ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ7) A neighborhood in Southeast Roanoke is slated to get a new recognition that could help change its reputation.

If you’re looking for a champion of Southeast Roanoke, Tim Dayton could be considered one of them.

Tim Dayton, REACH Executive Director, said, “It’s just ripe and ready for people to come in and make it that thriving community that it could be.”

He’s the executive director of REACH, which is a nonprofit that’s focused on fixing up homes in Southeast. He’s already renovated this one in the Belmont neighborhood and says there’s potential all around here.

Dayton said, “From this house where we’re standing now I could be downtown Elmwood Park or the Market Building in 6 minutes.”

The city sees potential, too. It’s why they’ve been working with the state to put the Belmont Neighborhood as a National Historic Place.

Parviz Moosavi, Architectural Review Board Agent, said, “The intent is to preserve those as much as possible. And this is one avenue to do that.”

Moosavi says other neighborhoods have already seen success from this program, including Grandin Village.

Properties within Belmont would be eligible for a 25 percent tax credit to fix up their homes.

Dayton said, “If you happen to be one of those lucky people with a little cash that you can invest and fix up your home, it’s a great way to purchase a home and get some tax credits.”

Dayton thinks it could help spur growth here, though he is worried people who invest sweat equity won’t get the same reward.

“I just wish we could find a way to help more of the working class folks who can’t invest money but can invest time and energy,” said Dayton.

Even so, he believes this designation has the ability to help transform the neighborhood.

“It’s got everything you would think that would make it popular, but there’s been an attitude through time that doesn’t look at it that way,” said Dayton. “So the historic designation already without doing anything makes us kind of excited to be here.”

He hopes it creates even more champions for Southeast Roanoke.

“I’m no investor, but if I was, this is where I’d be investing my money,” he said.

The state is expected to finalize the plan in mid-December.

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